Overview of the Rotary Club President's messages in January, 2023.
January emails and notes from the Pres...
January 3, 2023-Hope you all enjoyed the holidays and may 2023 bring peace to you and your family. Our schedule for January so far is:
Board Meeting, Tuesday January 10th from 7:30-9:00am via Zoom
In-Person Meeting at Los Robles Greens, Wednesday January 11th and 18th
Peace Day, Monday January 16th from 10:00am-2:00pm
Club Service Meeting, Monday January 23rd from noon to 1:00pm
January 11, 2023 - Discussing Wheelchairs Distribution Project & trips in Romania and Serbia at our first meeting in January.
January 18, 2023 - Our speaker will be David Gore - District 5240 Foundation Chair. The Foundation is a large part of Rotary, lets learn how it works.
January 23, our club is dark this week and our next in-person meeting will be Wednesday, February 1st. Our speaker will be Tami Barnett of Raising Hope. At our last meeting members had a chance to talk about the passing of Bill Notthoff. He brought so much to our club over the 41 years he was a member. I will update you with the date of his service when I receive it. We also introduced Gwen Harrison-Gold as a new member of our club. Please make sure you say hi to her at our next meeting.
Conejo YES program March 25th and PRLS class February 18, check out our flyers. Conejo YES is looking for students and volunteers for the event. PRLS is Potential Rotary Leaders Seminar and helps Rotarians understand Rotary's "Big Picture". Recommended for all newer Rotarians. Please let me know if you have any questions on either event.